Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

  • 2

    TCO 1.3

  • 3

    TCO 1.5

    • 4 Forces Of Flight (27:12)

    • Airfoils (12:54)

    • Pendular Action (2:38)

    • Factors Affecting Performance (28:54)

    • Check On Learning 1.5

  • 4

    TCO 1.7

    • Logbook Entries (3:28)

    • Flight Reviews & Currency (13:06)

    • Check On Learning 1.7

  • 5

    TCO 1.8

    • Check On Learning 1.8

  • 6

    TCO 1.10

    • Airworthiness Requirements (20:21)

    • Airworthiness Directives and Records (15:26)

    • Check On Learning 1.10

  • 7

    TCO 1.12

    • Weight and Balance (13:50)

    • R44

    • R22

    • Check On Learning 1.12

  • 8

    TCO 1.14

    • Advisory Circulars (4:38)

    • FAR AIM (10:34)

    • Private Pilot Certification (13:24)

    • NTSB Part 830 (8:44)

    • Practical Test Standards (10:58)

    • Check On Learning 1.14

  • 9

    TCO 1.16

    • Visual Scanning & Collision Avoidance (19:20)

    • Radios Transponders and Light Guns (28:56)

    • Traffic Patters Airport Markings and Lighting (33:04)

    • Check On Learning 1.16

  • 10

    TCO 1.18

    • Autorotation Aerodynamics (17:54)

    • Coriolis Effect and Flapping (05:36)

    • Dissymmetry Of Lift (09:23)

    • Ground Effect (11:55)

    • Gyroscopic Precession (05:40)

    • LTE (11:14)

    • Retreating Blade Stall (14:36)

    • Translating Tendency (03:14)

    • Translational Lift Transverse Flow ETL (10:02)

    • Vortex Ring State (16:38)

    • Check On Learning 1.18

  • 11

    TCO 1.20

    • Dynamic Rollover (14:06)

    • Energy Management HVD (04:30)

    • Ground Resonance (06:24)

    • Low G and Mast Bumping (13:32)

    • Low Rotor RPM Blade Stall (13:50)

    • Check On Learning 1.20

  • 12

    TCO 1.21

    • Check On learning 1.21

  • 13

    TCO 1.23

    • Energy Management HVD (4:40)

  • 14

    TCO 2.2

    • Weather Theory Part 1 (16:03)

    • Weather Theory Part 2 (26:11)

    • Weather Theory Part 3 (32:46)

    • Check On Learning 2.2

  • 15

    TCO 2.4

    • Aviation Weather Services (1:10:34)

    • Check On Learning 2.4

  • 16

    TCO 2.5

    • Airspace (38:35)

    • Temporary Flight Restrictions (15:48)

    • Special Use Airspace (20:50)

    • Check On Learning 2.5

  • 17

    TCO 2.7 - 2.10

    • Notice To Air Missions (04:50)

    • Check On Learning 2.7-2.9

  • 18

    TCO 2.12

    • Aeronautical Decision Making (01:04:50)

    • Check On Learning 2.12

  • 19

    TCO 2.13

    • Lost Procedures (08:18)

    • Global Positioning System (18:20)

    • Check On Learning 2.13

  • 20

    TCO 2.15

    • Check On Learning 2.15

  • 21

    TCO 2.18

    • Night Ops (58:44)

    • Check On Learning 2.18

  • 22

    TCO 2.20

    • Aeromedical Factors (52:26)

    • Check On Learning 2.20

  • 23

    TCO 4.3

    • GL 3 Unusual Attitudes and Partial Panel (13:04)

  • 24

    TCO 4.6

    • Check On learning 4.6

  • 25

    TCO 4.8

    • GL 4 VOR DME (44:30)

    • GL 6 Radar (23:10)

    • GL 12 Instrument Landing System (31:46)

    • GL 14 GPS (45:07)

    • Check On Learning 4.8

  • 26

    TCO 4.9

    • GL 9 Flight Planning (43:10)

    • GL 11 Instrument Approaches (48:34)

    • GL 10 Radio Communication (20:00)

    • Check On learning 4.9

  • 27

    TCO 4.11

    • G500 Intro (15:22)

    • G500 In Flight (05:50)

    • G500 Approach (10:06)

    • GL5 Holding Patterns, Procedure Turns, and DME Arcs (34:14)

    • Check On Learning 4.11

  • 28

    TCO 4.13

    • GL 13 Lost Coms, Emergencies, ADM (18:10)

    • Check On Learning 4.13